soggiorno diving alle Fiji

9 days / 8 nights

Fiji’s Beqa Lagoon

from € 1,650 Voli esclusi

per informazioni: Go World S.r.l.
via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
Tel. 0712089301 -

Diving stay in Fiji in the legendary Beqa lagoon!

Diving stay in Fiji. The area between Beqa, Vatulelee, Kadavu is called Astrolabe Lagoon and offers some of the best diving sites, especially for those who want to make close encounters with sharks. The spectacular Beqa Lagoon awaits you for an unforgettable diving stay in Fiji!
Lalati Resort is located on the enchanting Beqa Island, a true paradise on earth, ideal for those who want to experience a dream vacation. The resort is set in 10 acres of tropical gardens and overlooks the crystal clear waters of Malumu Bay. You can choose between various types of accommodation: Seaview Cottages (3), Oceanfront Villas (5), Oceanview Honeymoon Villa (1) Beachfront Honeymoon Villa (1). Each room has traditional Fijian furnishings, with high ceilings and wooden floors. Each room has a fridge, kettle, private patio and sea views. The resort is equipped with a fantastic wellness center and a restaurant which uses fresh and genuine ingredients to make local and international cuisine. For your free time, it offers excursions to nearby villages, diving, kayaking, rainforest walks or romantic picnics on a desert island.


The dive sites in this area of the Fiji are legendary. Caesar’s Rock features two coral towers completely lined with soft corals and colorful alcyonaries … pink, red and orange corals will fill your view! A variety of giant sea fans can also be seen providing shelter for hawkfish and trumpet fish, ideal for photography lovers. Tuna, turtles and manta rays are also often encountered. But the lagoon still has so much more to offer: Carpet Cove is one of the best dive sites in the Beqa lagoon. There is the wreck of a Japanese fishing boat completely covered with colorful soft corals and hard corals, while inside there are many lion fish. Next to the wreck, a drop off completely covered in soft corals, among which swim a great variety of leaf fish of all colors, anemones with clownfish, schools of batfish that make it the ideal place for macro lovers.
1° day


Arrival today.
Assistance in Italian at the airport.
Transfer by private car to the hotel.
Tanoa International cat. before.

2° day


Full board.
Transfer by minivan to Pacific Harbor and continue by boat to Lalati Island Resort.
Arrival and accommodation in Seaview Cottage.

3° - 7° day


Full board.
Days dedicated to underwater activities.
5 days of diving tot. 10 dives.
Tanks, weights, belt, boat, dive guide and drinks on board
Numerous alternative activities are possible for non-divers.

8° day


Breakfast room free for 08.30 and transfer to Nadi.
Overnight at Tanoa International.
N.B. If your return flight is scheduled for late morning or early afternoon it will be possible to eliminate this intermediate overnight stay.

9° day

NADI - italia

Transfer by minivan to the airport and departure to return to Italy or for the next destination.

Tariff per person, starting from:

From 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021€ 1,650


Daily tour departure subject to flight operations

Recommended extensions (contact us)

  • Hong Kong (depending on the flight route)
  • Sydney (depending on flight routing)

Reduction for non-diving companions: € 440

Superblu special offer minimum 4 participants: free extra dive – Additional Dives (1 Tanks)

The odds are based on average prices which do not take into account seasonal variations but give an indicative idea of price.

For an accurate quotation please contact us.

Exchange rate 1 EUR = 2.18 FJD; 1 EUR = 1.18 USD

Exchange rate variations with fluctuations greater than 3% will result in an adjustment of costs and will be communicated within 20 days of departure.

The tariff includes

  • Internal Fiji flights
  • All transfers
  • All overnight stays with breakfast in Nadi and full board in Lalati
  • 5 days of diving tot. 10 dives.
  • Tanks, weights, belt, boat, dive guide and drinks on board
  • Basic / health insurance

The tariff does not include

  • Intercontinental flights
  • Trip cancellation insurance (recommended)
  • Extras, tips, drinks and anything else not expressly indicated in the fee includes or elsewhere in the program
  • Registration fee of 95 euros

I siti di immersioni di questa zona sono quasi una leggenda nelle Fiji. Caesar’s Rock presenta due torri di corallo completamente rivestite da coralli molli e alcionari variopinti… coralli rosa, rossi e arancioni vi riempiranno la vista! Si possono ammirare anche una varietà di gorgonie giganti che forniscono riparo a pesci falco e trombetta, ideale per gli amanti di fotografia. Si incontrano spesso anche tonni, tartarughe e mante. Ma la laguna ha ancora molto altro da offrire: Carpet Cove è uno dei siti di immersione migliori nella laguna della Beqa. Qui si trova il relitto di un peschereccio giapponese completamente ricoperto di coralli molli coloratissimi e di coralli duri, mentre all’interno sono presenti tantissimi pesce leone. Accanto al relitto, un drop off completamente ricoperto di coralli molli, tra i quali nuota una grande varietà di pesci foglia di tutti i colori, anemoni con pesci pagliaccio, branchi di pesci pipistrello che lo rendono il luogo ideale per gli amanti di macro.

diving alle Fiji

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Go World S.r.l.
via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
P.IVA, CF 02763050420 R.E.A. AN 213201
Capitale Sociale € 10.000
Logo Premio Turismo responsabile Italiano 2011 Premio Turismo responsabile Italiano 2011
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