Soggiorno diving in Micronesia

Kosrae Nautilus Resort

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per informazioni: Go World S.r.l.
via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
Tel. 0712089301 -

Diving stay in Micronesia: a little known archipelago but rich in resources!

Diving stay in Micronesia. To the east of the Philippines and west of Polynesia lies Micronesia. Made up of hundreds of tiny green dots set in the blue of the ocean, it is a real paradise for diving enthusiasts. The Kosrae Nautilus Resort is the ideal property for those looking for absolute relaxation. The tropical landscape and the intense blue of the sea frame this splendid Resort. Guests have access to a restaurant, a bar, a swimming pool and a fully equipped Diving Center offering a wide range of PADI courses. Book your diving vacation in Micronesia now!


The coast is indented, interspersed with beaches and mangrove swamps. Diving is easy, with excellent visibility and light currents, and has the reputation of being the hard coral capital of the world. On the reef located in front of the resort, guests can observe a wide variety of marine life, such as sea cucumbers, shells, starfish, small eels, large variety of corals and lots of small tropical fish. Coral reefs include hundreds of densely clustered coral species, both hard and soft, which attract a wide variety of marine life: 100 species of fish can easily be observed in a single dive; turtles and rays inhabit the waters of this paradise as well as nudibranchs and other macro subjects. Sharks and barracudas are a constant presence, especially during high tide which, as always happens, is the time when the reef is most populated.

Tariff per person, starting from:

From 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021upon request
La costa si presenta frastagliata, intervallata da spiagge e paludi di mangrovie. Il diving è facile, con ottima visibilità e leggere correnti, ed ha la fama di essere la capitale del mondo del corallo duro. Sulla barriera corallina sita di fronte al resort, gli ospiti possono osservare una grande varietà di vita marina, come cetrioli di mare, conchiglie, stelle marine, piccole anguille, grande varietà di coralli e tantissimi piccoli pesci tropicali. Le barriere coralline comprendono centinaia di specie di coralli densamente raggruppati, sia duro che molle, che attirano una grande varietà di vita marina: si possono facilmente osservare 100 specie di pesci in una singola immersione; tartarughe e razze abitano le acque di questo paradiso oltre a nudibranchi ed altri soggetti macro. Squali e barracuda sono una presenza costante, specialmente durante l’alta marea che, come sempre accade, è il momento in cui il reef è più popolato.
diving in micronesia


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Go World S.r.l.
via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
P.IVA, CF 02763050420 R.E.A. AN 213201
Capitale Sociale € 10.000
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