
8 days / 7 nights

Trip to Malta_Diving among the wrecks

Voli inclusi

per informazioni: Go World S.r.l.
via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
Tel. 0712089301 -

Travel to Malta

Wreck diving

A trip to Malta for diving enthusiasts is an opportunity not to be missed, an ideal destination all year round and a short distance from Italy, it offers very interesting underwater views. This trip to Malta is mainly dedicated to the curious who want to discover the underwater views of Malta and Gozo . Diving is offered both from shore and by boat along the main island, but without forgetting the Gozo spots. The Italian-managed 5-star PADI diving center offers 10 dives to discover the beauties of a destination suitable for all divers, from beginners to experts. Diving rich in naturalistic spots, such as the Bleu Hole in Gozo overlooking a large natural arch or the Comino caves , cannot forget the 26 wrecks of the archipelago. The wrecks are partly historical from the two world wars, but also specially sunk. The abundance of wrecks allows all divers to be able to make these experiences, some in fact are at reduced depths and are also suitable for those with basic patents, while others reach 40 meters, guaranteeing “exclusivity” for experts.

The most famous wrecks:

  • Um EL Faroud : 110 meters of wreck sank in 1998 due to a bard explosion, which also caused the death of 9 workers. The wreck is located 30 meters deep and, given its length, it is truly impressive. The cockpit is visible at a depth of only 15 meters, while the bridge at 25 meters.
  • m / n P29: born as a minesweeper from 1994 to 2004 used as a patrol boat by the Maltese armed forces, it is 52 meters long and was sunk for underwater lighting purposes in 2007 and reaches a depth of 36 meters
  • Tugboat Rozi : tugboat specially sunk in 1992 is now the habitat of thousands of fish, it is also possible to meet barracura in its surroundings. It reaches a depth of 36 meters with still still stuck in the sand
  • Cominoland ferry: accessible from the shore is an old ferry which was also sunk on purpose in 2006 is 80 meters long and reaches a depth of 30-40 meters
  • HMS Southwold: massive British destroyer that accidentally hit a mine during World War II, sank in two pieces, respectively 63 and 75 meters deep.

Malta undoubtedly deserves the crown of wreck queen!

Free departures with private services, minimum 2 participants every day

1° day

Arrival in Malta (- / - / -)

Arrival at Malta airport and private transfer to your hotel in a double garden view room with breakfast.

Maritim Hotel 3 * sup
Located in the north of Malta, in the Mellieha area, modernly furnished with over 200 rooms, Spa, 3 swimming pools, one of which is heated and a restaurant. Ideal starting point for diving and not far from Gozo.

2° - 7° day

Malta (B / - / -)

Days at your disposal for diving or relaxing. The diving fee includes 10 dives, 4 of which from land, 4 from boat and 2 on the island of Gozo.

8° day

Malta (B / - / -)

Breakfast and check-out, in time transfer to the airport.

Quota  individuale di partecipazione valida fino al 31 ottobre 2021:


Adulto in doppia

Quota Divers Tasse aeroportuali Quota di iscrizione

Quota relax

Gennaio /febbraio

€ 800 € 60 € 95 € 290


€ 880 € 60 € 95 € 370
Aprile € 960 € 60

€ 95

€ 440


€ 1.050 € 60 € 95 € 530
Giugno € 1.090 € 60 € 95 € 580


€ 1.290 € 60 € 95 € 770
Settembre € 1.150 € 60 € 95

€ 640

Ottobre € 1.090 € 60 € 95

€ 580



(B/L/D): B = colazione; L = pranzo; D = cena


  • Necessario il passaporto, che deve essere valido 6 mesi ed avere 2 pagina libere.


  • Passaporto/carta d’identità valida per l’espatrio.


La quota include

  • 7 notti – Hotel menzionati o se non disponibili altri della stessa categoria su base camera doppia standard
  • 10 IMMERSIONI incluse nella quota sub senza equipaggiamento (4 da riva, 2 giorni con 2 immersioni da barca e 1 giorno con 2 immersioni a Gozo)
  • Trasferimento come indicato nel programma
  • Trattamento di prima colaizone
  • Kit da viaggio GoWorld (zaino, volumi fotografici, porta abiti/trolley – secondo importo pratica)
  • L’assicurazione per l’assistenza medica (sino ad € 15.000), il rimpatrio sanitario ed il danneggiamento al bagaglio (sino ad € 1.000), con possibilità di integrazione, assicurazione danneggiamento attrezzatura subacquea
  • I voli intercontinentali da/per l’Italia in classe economica (soggetti a riconferma)


La quota non include

  • Le escursioni facoltative e tutto ciò non evidenziato nella voce “la quota comprende”
  • Facchinaggio bagagli in hotel e negli aeroporti
  • Tasse locali, le mance, gli extra di carattere personale, eccedenza bagaglio, tasse
  • Tasse aeroportuali soggette a variazione
  • Le bevande ove non espressamente menzionate
  • Escursioni e visite non menzionate nella descrizione del tour
  • Altri pacchetti immersioni e noleggio attrezzatura
  • Spese di carattere personale
  • Quota di iscrizione
  • Assicurazione integrativa annullamento viaggio
  • Assicurazione integrativa medico-bagaglio OPZ A: massimale spese mediche fino a 55.000 euro / bagaglio fino a 1.500 euro
  • Assicurazione integrativa medico-bagaglio OPZ B: massimale spese mediche fino a 155.000 euro / bagaglio fino a 1.500 euro
  • Assicurazione integrativa medico-bagaglio OPZ C: massimale spese mediche fino a 265.000 euro / bagaglio fino a 1.500 euro
  • Assicurazione integrativa GLOBY ROSSA

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Go World S.r.l.
via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
P.IVA, CF 02763050420 R.E.A. AN 213201
Capitale Sociale € 10.000
Logo Premio Turismo responsabile Italiano 2011 Premio Turismo responsabile Italiano 2011
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